earthing for quantum health

Earthing - the simple practice that revitalizes us!

earthing quantum health Sep 06, 2024

Let’s explore an earthing practice and all the benefits!

What is earthing?

Earthing, or grounding as it is often called, is the practice of literally touching the earth’s surface with our bare skin. This simple act grounds our electric body and recharges us, reducing inflammation and providing vital electrons for our mitochondrial health. I started using this practice - walking barefoot outside in warmer weather months and just touching a leaf on a tree with one finger in the colder months - after learning about the many benefits of earthing. I have been amazed at how much this simple practice has increased my energy. See my list of fav products at the end!

I did not need convincing to try the practice of earthing for myself because I remember how good I felt each summer as a kid at the beach, outside in my neighborhood or at summer camp running around barefoot. I also spent time swimming in natural lakes, rivers and the ocean most summers. By the end of each school year I would look like a pale zombie only to be restored to vibrant, energized health by the reprieve of summer. Even when I got older and worked all summer, I was still outside loving the sun and touching the earth as much as possible. Now, mind you, I am not even close to being an outdoorsy girl - but, the time outside in nature revitalized my weary body-mind-soul. And, I remember.

Fast forward to studying applied quantum biology for a circadian certification last year during one of the most stressful times in my life. I adopted all the quantum health strategies - including EARTHING - in order to shore up my stress resilience. One day, a few weeks into my new quantum health practices, I realized I was waking up more energized than ever before in my life. On it went like this - crazy stressful days and yet my energy was consistent, mood stable, and sleep continued to improve. My cells (mitochondria in the cells actually) felt renewed. I was finally getting the inputs right! The right light, food, movement & EARTHING practice all on point.

Why would earthing make such a difference? Because we are recharging our electric body - literally gathering electrons from earth’s surface through our skin - when we practice earthing. Every part of our body is conductive. When any one part of our body is grounded, our entire body is grounded. Research studies show drastic improvements in chronic pain and inflammation from even short periods of time grounded (either outside or using grounding mats). Additionally, Dr. Cimone Kamei, has shown clinical improvements involving electrical charge (zeta potential) on red blood cells (RBCs) which reduces blood viscosity and clumping to improve basal health and circulation from just 10 minutes walking barefoot outside. Interested in diving deeper? I have a 60 minute on demand class that explores the benefits of earthing in more depth.

I started using earthing shoes, an earthing mat for sleep and a travel earthing mat for work/travel. I notice a difference, headaches come back and energy is not as high, when I do miss time earthing (either from travel or work schedule). It is not a one and done situation - in order to reap the benefits, we have to keep up the practice.


Earthing Benefits:

  • Safety Signals to Our Cells

  • Improved Mood

  • Better Sleep

  • Less Chronic Pain



Harmony 783 Earthing Shoes USE DISCOUNT CODE: KELLI1

EARTHING PRODUCTS - sheets, pillow cases, sleep mat, travel mat, yoga mat, etc

FREE Benefits of Earthing Video


Ready to go deeper with Earthing? Take my Earthing Workshop for just $27 USD

Want all my vetted quantum health recommendations? Here’s my FREE COURSE



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