Gut Health Basics
Updated Oct 2023 ~ from a quantum health perspective
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Intestinal permeability, known as “leaky gut” is actually, at it’s root, a circadian biology issue. Leaky gut is when the lining of our gut thins or is injured in any way which leaves us susceptible to all kinds of chronic health issues. Issues like inflammation, allergies, food sensitivities, joint pain, headaches, anxiety and mood problems, etc. Most people jump straight to food and change their diet to heal gut issues. I did too. However, exposure to natural (outdoor) light influences our gut health. Supporting our circadian rhythms is an important step in making sure we support our digestion and gut. Our gut lining is designed to heal and our gut microbiome shifts as quickly as every 24 hours depending on lifestyle choices. Light, food, exercise & stress management strategies all influence a healthy gut. How do I support my circadian rhythms you may ask. Here is a quick video that explains how to design a perfect circadian day.
Drink the cleanest water you can find/afford. Natural spring water is fantastic if you can get it. If you are using your home tap water, you will want to invest in some kind of filter - both for cooking and drinking. There are so many options for filtering water, just use what you can afford and makes the most sense for your home. We want to stay properly hydrated for general health but especially for gut-brain health. Have you ever noticed your mood goes south when you are dehydrated? Dehydration can cause hormonal disruption and lead to feelings of anxiety or depression. A good place to start with figuring out how much water you need to drink each day is to calculate your current weight divided by 2 as your minimum ounces of water per day.
Avoid Gut Detractors
The major gut detractors are: anything artificial, sugar, grains, dairy, alcohol, caffeine, soy and any toxins or drugs of any kind. If you are on medication, obviously, you can’t avoid any possible gut disruption from it, but you can start to think about other gut disruptors you come into contact with or consume. A not so obvious but known endocrine disruptor that can create gut-brain problems is phthalates. Phthalates are used in things like scented candles, air freshener plug-ins, laundry detergent and other “smell good” products. Get rid of that stuff lickedy-split (that means “real quick!” for my nothern or UK friends). As far as the food/drink gut detractors, I know, I know…you need your coffee. Here’s a tip for better hormone and mood balance if you just can’t give up caffeine: first sunlight then food then coffee/caffeine. Get natural light first thing, as soon as you get out of bed. Okay, after you pee. Then, get a bite of quality food either with the coffee or before it. I do recommend dropping all caffeine and gluten if you struggle with anxiety, restlessness, overwhelm, irritability or mood swings. Do what you can. No judgment here!
Heal 1st - Add Later
If you have perfect health, skip this part. If you have gut/digestion or brain related concerns, heal your body before adding a bunch of fermented foods, lots of supplements or doing any major detox protocol. Heal your gut by eating a whole-foods, nutrient-dense, seasonal pro-healing diet until you experience better digestion, balanced mood and sustained energy. You can experiment with probiotics, bone broth, fermented foods and more variety of gut healing approaches once digestion is good, mood is stable, no bloating or brain fog, inflammation is down, you have good metabolic health and you're well established in your healing journey.
The most impressive gut healing I have experienced has been from non-food related lifestyle changes. Quantum health strategies really move the needle on healing because of the focus on mitochondrial health and supporting our circadian biology. I have workshops on quantum health strategies if you want to learn more.
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