How I Got Interested in Quantum Health
Here’s how I landed in an applied quantum biology certification program ~
I had already started studying mitochondrial health as I was realizing the real root cause of chronic fatigue, stress and anxiety (all chronic disease) is inflammation and the cure is in healthy mitochondria. Mood swings, chronic worry and overwhelm, over-thinking and fatigue - all indicators of dysfunctional mitochondria. And, even though I had started to implement some lifestyle changes to help my mitochondria, I didn’t have the full picture until I started studying applied quantum biology. Quantum being the smallest of things, and in this case, we are talking about the subatomic particles that are driving the bigger health picture in the body.
I had looked at the Quantum Biology Collective website several times and considered taking the practitioner training. I talked myself out of it those times thinking I really didn’t need another certification. However, as my youngest son’s struggle with chronic illness progressed, I was feeling more desperate for answers. I intuitively knew the QBC would be a good place for me. One particularly hard day for my son led to me visiting that website one more time, this time signing up for the training.
Most of my clients over the last few years are coming to me for gut health, nutritional therapy and mental health nutrition consultation. Creating a pro-healing nutrition plan is helpful and clients see improvement in their symptoms. However, I felt like I was missing a piece of the puzzle - nothing that traditional mental health counseling had taught me and nothing so far in nutritional therapy was curing the chronic stress, anxiety, IBS or digestive issues and mood related symptoms I was seeing in my practice.
I hadn’t started the training in applied quantum biology thinking it would help me personally or help my clients, I was in it to help my son, and yet that is exactly what was happening. The more I learned about the importance of circadian rhythms, our light environment, mitochondrial health, our fascia and structured water, the more I made adjustments in my own life. What shocked me was how much my own health was improving - I thought I had great health. What impressed me the most is how I woke up each morning during this extremely stressful time feeling energized and with a grounded clarity that I had never experienced in my whole life. Looking back, I think I have had struggling mitochondria from birth. I had allergies, skin issues, stomach issues and low energy all of my childhood. I would see improvements over the summer months which now makes perfect sense - I think I was getting just enough “juice” to my mitochondria and storing up Vit D from sunny summers in the outdoors to keep me moving along with all my mild but chronic issues. While we do inherit our mitochondria, lifestyle plays a big role in mitochondrial health.
Our mitochondria play an important role beyond making our energy (ATP production) - they make water, influence apoptosis and autophagy which are two ways our body has to clean itself, help with calcium regulation, fatty acid oxidation, heat production, metabolism, and oxygen detoxification, as well as playing a role in cellular signaling and defense against pathogens. You can learn more in my PRACTICAL Quantum Stress Managment Course. I started incorporating this information in my consultation business too. I help people create sustainable lifestyle and nutrition changes that really move the dial toward optimal health.
I am eternally grateful for that one decision to just go ahead and sign up for the QBC training. I continue to experience more and more health, better sleep, and consistent energy. My clients now benefit from a truly holistic approach that helps them heal and restore vitality rather than just improve symptoms. I am passionate about sharing the quantum health strategies that have helped me become more stress-resilient and experience even more inner peace and mind-body-soul nourishment than I could have ever imagined. I’m telling you, quantum health strategies are the stress management tools you never knew you needed.
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