Light Protocol for Anxiety Relief
If you struggle with chronic anxiety one of the best things you can do is to fix your light environment. A good place to begin is by therapeutically using natural light for mood and focus through UVA light exposure. UVA light is available about an hour after sunrise and an hour before sunset outside everyday. It does NOT need to be a sunny day for UVA light to be available. Even when UV light is not available in winter months - it is still important to get outdoors for natural light. Consistently get outside for UVA light and watch your mood and focus improve!
Before I list the Light Protocol for Anxiety Relief (or to support your mental health), let’s get a few other details nailed down. We have light receptors on our skin and in our eyes (retina). While you don’t want to stare directly into the sun, it is important to have naked eyes (no glasses or sunglasses) when getting natural light exposure. We say “naked eyes to the skies” but really you just need to be outside without glasses and as much skin as is reasonable to expose in whatever season it is for you. I often get asked, “How long do I need to be out there?” The answer is as long as you comfortably can, but even a few minutes will make a difference. Consistency is the key - it is better to be consistent with your outdoor breaks for a few minutes every day versus longer once a week. The reason is that our bodies run best when the information that helps us regulate our circadian rhythms is consistent each day. The light, when we eat, and the temp all give code/information to orient our body. When the proper information is given - the body knows when to make which hormones, neurotransmitters, etc AND when to release what. You must not underestimate the importance of natural light for optimal health.
The idea is to make a commitment to stick to the protocol for a certain amount of time. I recommend a solid six-week commitment in order to really see the benefits. Once you make up your mind to commit - you will do it. Even if you just commit to one part of the protocol, that is fine! Just start.
Here is the Light Protocol for Anxiety Relief:
Commit to 6 weeks and follow the recommended protocol as closely as possible.
Daily light exposure:
Sunrise 5-10 mins
UVA Light 10-20mins
Mid-day Natural Light Break (2-10mins)
UVA Light 2-10mins
Sunset 1-30mins
Block blue light after sunset (use blue blockers or screen blocking technology)
Watch this instructional video for guidance:
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