Social Anxiety? Rule Out Pyroluria
When I first started studying mental health nutrition and learned about Pyroluria, I was sure I had it. The description of inner tension since childhood, white spots on the fingernails, social anxiety even with an outgoing personality and anxiousness even with the ability to speak publicly sounded like me. Some of the other indicators according to food-mood expert Trudy Scott are: anxious, fearful, bouts of depression and/or nervous exhaustion, easily upset (internally) from criticism, becoming a loner, frequent fatigue, dislike eating protein/meat or feel it doesn’t digest properly.
Pyroluria is generally considered a genetic condition of the heme where the body uses up zinc and vitamin B6. People with this condition rarely know they have it but often report symptoms of fear, social anxiety and/or an inner tension that has been present since childhood. These folks can push through the anxiety and may even not appear anxious at all - but internally, they feel a sense of fear, anxiety or angst. When a person with pyroluria becomes deficient in zinc and B6, targeted supplementation can alleviate that social anxiety or internal turmoil.
Screening to rule out pyroluria is a simple urine test. If your doctor won’t request the test, you can order the lab yourself. One lab resource is DHA Labs (dhalab.com) - and the test is called Kryptopyrrole urine test. It might be worth ordering the lab test if you are concerned that you might have this condition. You could also increase your intake of B6 and zinc to see how you feel. I do not recommend supplementing if you are not deficient. You can always check B levels and zinc with a blood test.
I did the Kryptopyrrole urine test at home, mailed it off and received the report from DHA Lab promptly - turns out, I do not have pyroluria. It was helpful to rule out as I worked to resolve my own chronic anxious feelings. I still increased my intake of B6 and Zinc with food - just for good measure since B vitamins and Zinc are important for mental health.
Additionally, in his book Nutrition and Mental Illness published in 1987, Dr. Carl Pfeiffer describes his findings that clinical mental health patients with poor dream recall were deficient in Vitamin B6. This might have been related to pyroluria or a separate issue. Nevertheless, B6 and Zinc deficiencies have been linked to anxiety in many cases.
Good Sources of Vitamin B6
Poultry - chicken and turkey
Some Fish (Salmon, Tuna)
Milk & Ricotta Cheese
Chicken Liver
Sweet Potato (higher in oxalates so mindfully consume)
Spinach (super high in oxalates so consume sparingly)
Good Sources of Zinc
Pumpkin Seeds (high in defense chemicals so mindfully consume)
Grass-fed Beef
Cocoa Powder (limit due to anti-nutrients)
Cashews (high in defense chemicals so mindfully consume; difficult to digest)
Kefir or Yogurt
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